Sunday 22 July 2012


Dear Mr Henry Lee and Mr Koh Kian Fai,

I am pleased to inform you that the above email had been delivered to you.

Please check your email and provide RSVP in the permitted time frame.

Should any of you failed to provide response to the above delivered email,

you are found guilty of the acclaimed allegation written in this blog.

You may choose to decline on this offer but your decision should you choose to decline will be recorded in the allegation set against you.

And please be informed that all your public Tweets, communicated Tweets and public Facebook posts will be recorded against you.


Mr Henry Lee's response to the above email.

My response to Mr Henry Lee and Mr Edmend Koh Kian Fai.

The following is the correspondence from Mr Edmend Koh Kian Fai.

My response to Mr Henry Lee and Mr Edmend Koh as of Monday, 23 July 2012, 10.30pm

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